This video documents the structural mitigation aspects of Disaster Risk Reduction program in Maharashtra state, India. Parivartan, has implemented Disaster Risk Reduction project funded by Oxfam-Australia. RedR India provided technical assistance and monitoring. This video documents three projects in two villages. In Chorawne, annual flooding during monsoon season use to regularly contaminate the village's only source of clean water, a spring. With the support of Parivartan, Oxfam-Australia and RedR India, the villagers have constructed a well that will ensure a year-round supply of clean water, including during the monsoon season. The lack of drainage in Chorawne also caused flood waters to damage house foundations. The second structural mitigation project in Chorawne was the construction of a drainage canal that would help safeguard the village's homes against flood water damage. In Tiwre village, the annual monsoon season causes a river to race down a deforested mountainside. Boulders and silt are carried along by the rushing water and deposited on the riverbed, thereby reducing the river's capacity to carry water. As a result, the river uses to regularly leap the embankment and flood the village. With the support of Parivartan, Oxfam-Australia, and RedR India, the villagers used earth-moving equipment to remove silt deposits and boulders. This desilting has decreased the risk that the river will flood during the coming monsoon season